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Sore throat, Cold and Flu


If you're experiencing a sore throat or cold and flu symptoms, our virtual care services can help determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment recommendations. Consult with our healthcare professionals to address your symptoms and find relief without the need for an in-person visit.

When cold or flu symptoms strike, or you find yourself battling a sore throat or possible strep, the last thing you want to do is brave the elements to see a doctor. With our convenient telehealth appointments, you can receive expert medical care from the comfort of your own home.

Save yourself from the discomfort of sitting in a crowded waiting room. With DW Health First telemedicine, you can avoid exposure to other sick patients and relax in the safety of your own space.


We're here to help!
We’re a no-judgment zone, so feel free to come to us with any questions or concerns.